Public access

The organizer can choose to go with a public replays interface. It means that everybody can access to the replays and other information such as the description, date and time of the sessions.

VOD portal

Restricted Access – Presentation from the calendar

The organizer can choose to go with a restricted access to the replays interface. That means that only the participants can access to the replays. With this mode (presentation from calendar), participants can also access to the live and the session details. Since the portal is linked to the participant’s account, he can bookmark sessions and filter their results using a search engine. He can search by keywords, by date, by theme or by language.

Restricted Access – Dedicated presentation

The third mode is a dedicated presentation with a restricted access. (only for participants). It’s a simple way to highlight your replays.

Replays Feature Glossary

  • Customized to your brand
  • Vimeo embedded
  • 3 different mode
  • Fully integrated to Klipso’s ecosystem
  • GDPR and CCPA compliant​
  • Real time insights with Google Analytics integration
  • Secured to the highest standard
  • Responsive interface