Part of Leni group (www.leni.fr ), a leader in event technology, Klipso is a global event management software platform.
Klipso is not the typical SaaS. It is based on a “NO-CODE” solution, extremely configurable from Frontend to Backend. This allows us to tailor SaaS features to the exact need of each of our client.
Klipso runs thousands of events with hundreds of thousand participants every years, from exhibitions, corporate events conferences to virtual and hybrid events and more.

Part of Leni group (www.leni.fr ), a leader in event technology, Klipso is a global event management software platform.
Klipso is not the typical SaaS. It is based on a “NO-CODE” solution, extremely configurable from Frontend to Backend. This allows us to tailor SaaS features to the exact need of each of our client.
Klipso runs thousands of events with hundreds of thousand participants every years, from exhibitions, corporate events conferences to virtual and hybrid events and more.

LENI is a leading group in event technologies. A 360° offer for small and large accounts, centered around customer specificity. From SaaS software solutions to on-premise technology & services.
From AV to core IT event logistics, Leni has decades of expertise in bringing state-of-the-art equipment to organizers of all sizes.
New generation of software aiming to provide full event management cycle support : Accounting, sales, marketing, mobile, registration, badging, onsite and more.
LENI is a leading group in event technologies. A 360° offer for small and large accounts, centered around customer specificity. From SaaS software solutions to on-premise technology & services.
From AV to core IT event logistics, Leni has decades of expertise in bringing state-of-the-art equipment to organizers of all sizes.
New generation of software aiming to provide full event management cycle support : Accounting, sales, marketing, mobile, registration, badging, onsite and more.
We are a member of UNIMEV that promotes responsible approaches for players in the event industry. It is in this context that our management decided to implement ISO 20121 certification which allow us to demonstrate our involvement with employees, customers and suppliers. Our responsible management policy covers the 4 principles of sustainable development:
Inclusion duty: in particular integrating the priority expectations of interested parties into our CSR issues,
Vigilance duty: in particular encouraging staff to take into account the principles of sustainable development and making it known,
Integrity duty: i.e. applying the new CSR standards in the sector,
Tranparency duty: i.e. to communicate internally and externally.
Economic challenge: our aim is to Strengthen customer satisfaction by optimizing management processes (technical, commercial, management, accounting, etc.) and promoting innovative and responsible services.
Social challenge: we believe in Inclusion and diversity. Constant efforts to Increase efficiency and working confort through better internal communication (between agencies, between sales teams, logistics, etc.), and the organization and training of employees using standardized working methods.
Environmental challenge: it is top of our mind to reduce the environmental footprint by highlighting valuation solutions (software, badges, etc.) and pooling logistics flows.


As a SaaS, security is of course paramount to us
Independent pen tests: We conduct regular and independent intrusion test. Combined with regular audits, virus scans and firewalls, we can provide upon request our security protocols to demonstrate.
GDPR security Compliance: Not only we provide our customers with data management features to manage their compliance, but we ensure data security throughout specific GDPR compliance measures:
- IT security policy expands to employee and company environment, not just SaaS production servers.
- Constant supervision, monitoring with string SLAs and reported uptime at 99.99
- Backups and disaster recovery plans.